Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Baca Puisi Kuala Lumpur

Deklamasi puisi merupakan pengucapan para penyair yang amat puitis bahasanya dan sarat dengan nilai estetika dan sentimental untuk menyampaikan idealogi, pandangan, pendapat atau isi hati bagi dinikmati halwa telinga khalayak pendengarnya. Ia juga merupakan salah satu aktiviti seni kegemaran aku.

Baru-baru ini, walaupun keadaan kesihatan aku yang kurang menyenangkan dan cuaca yang tak menentu (asyik hujan aje), berbekalkan minat yang mendalam, aku melangkah kaki ke gelanggang acara Baca Puisi Kuala Lumpur di Ruang Legar Balai Budaya, Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka (DBP) pada malam 18 April 2008. Hujan pada malam itu tidak sedikit pun menampakkan kurangnya sambuatan malah acara bermula seperti yang dijadualkan. Acara anjuran Persatuan Penulis Kuala Lumpur (KALAM) ini merupakan siri baca puisi yang diadakan pada hari Jumaat minggu ketiga setiap bulan bermula April 2008. Malam itu merupakan malam pertama, jadi aku pun tak nak terkecuali daripada turut memeriahkan suasana.

Salah seorang pembaca yang juga merupakan rakan seniku, Siti Raihaini Mohd. Saaid, sempat mendekalmasikan puisinya yang berjudul Nazam Orang Kita. Aku difahamakan beliau bergegas merempuh hujan dari UPM. Kesian, cik adik molek ni. Mujur Along (panggilan manjanya) tiba pada waktu yang ditetapkan. Sempat juga aku menghayati dendangan nazamnya. Malah dengan tamaknya aku minta naskhah puisinya untuk diisi ke dalam blog ini. Moga ia dapat dimanfaatkan oleh pembaca blog pula.

Bonda (Zurinah Hassan) juga kelihatan pada malam itu.

Nazam Orang Kita
Karya: Raihani Mohd. Saaid

Allah Allah Azza Wajalla Tuhan kami

Kami minta restu pada malam ini

Dengan Bismillah kami mula nazam ini

Untuk hadirin acara Laman Teater DBP.

Malam ini hamba berkhabar hamba bercerita

Kisah hidup ragam telatah oranglah kita

Bukan mengumpat bukan mengeji atau mengata

Mana yang baik ambil ikhtibar buat pelita.

Duduk di kampung jemulah benar

Sampai di kota baru tersedar

Yang rajin mewah, yang malas lapar

Pucuk ubi pun kena bayar.

Kita disuruh berjimat cermat

Hemah belanja hidup selamat

Di setiap ceruk di setiap tempat

Pasar raya bertingkat-tingkat.

Rumah pangsa ramai orang berhimpit-himpit

Majlis PBT angkut sampah berbukit-bukit

Bila dah sempit takut jadi sarang penyakit

Bila dah sesak anak-anak jadi mat rempit.

Langit terbuka tanpa sempadan globalisasi

Segala maklumat telah tersedia di hujung jari

Berteman berhubung dengan yang jauh di luar negeri

Terlalu leka hingga tak kenal jiran sendiri.

Tak ada masa hendak bersenam jaga kesihatan

Semua benda hendak dimakan berbukit-bukit

Orang dulu dapat penyakit dek kurang makan

Orang sekarang kurang makan dek berpenyakit.

Orang kita bila tiba musim beraya

Penuh sesak membeli-belah di pasar raya

Baju cantik bukan main hendak bergaya

Hingga tak sedar orang lain yang kaya-raya.

Bengkel kereta ramai pelanggan

Kereta berlanggar sepanjang jalan

Bertambahlah hasil pada kerajaan

Polis, JPJ buat kutipan.

Angin bertiup di sini sana

Di desa mahupun di bandaraya

Sudahlah habis semua raya

Mana nak sama pilihanraya.

Jadi pemimpin mesti jujur berdedikasi

Kuat kerja untuk rakyat dan tabah hati

Jadi rakyat jangan asyik mengumpat keji

Tapi nama tak ada dalam daftar undi.

Binalah bangsa agar besar dan dihormati

Jangan lupa dalam selimut gunting menanti

Anak kita berlumba-lumba ke universiti

Ramai juga yang berlumba ke pusat serenti.

Cepatnya berubah wajah kotaku

Menara tinggi tandanya maju

Lainlah pula di Kampung Baru

Kampung Baru tak baru-baru.

Sekian dulu nazam hamba malam ini

Salah silap hamba mohon dimaafi

Ingat-ingat pesan hamba bawa ke mimpi

Kalau terasa jangan disimpan di dalam hati.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Challenge to Succeed by Jim Rohn

The Challenge to Succeed by Jim Rohn
MP3 | 53 MB | 32 kbps @ 22 khz | mono | 4 hrs - Language: English

This program, recorded "live" at Jim's one-day Seminar, involves the student physically, emotionally and mentally. Five inspirational topics guide the participant through self-evaluation and commitment, including: the five major pieces to the life puzzle, the power of personal development, the fundamentals for prosperity and success, how to win the battle of the mind, attitude change and the day that turns your life around.

Subjects include:

The Five Major Pieces of the Life Puzzle

* How to Fine Tune Thinking Habits
* How to Develop an Educated Attitude
* Why Success is Doing
* Discovering the “Bottom Line”
* The Art of Living Well

The Power of Personal Development

* How to Become More Than You Are
* Attracting More of What You Want
* How to Make the Changes to Become More Than Average
* How to Be Wealthy and Happy for the Rest of Your Life
* Personal Skills to Reach Your Potential

The Day That Turns Your Life Around

* Examine the Incredible Effect of Emotions on Your Life
* Turning Your Emotions Into Profit and Activity
* An Extraordinary Challenge to Be Successful in All the Dimensions of Your Life

If you wish to download for free, click here.

Fun with a Pencil By Andrew Loomis

This book takes you into the world of drawing fast and easily. Loomis makes pencil sketching enjoyable & immediately productive. It is a Loomis classic and a very good treatise on general beginner drawing. It ranges from numerous character-type head drawings to minor figure construction, and some general perspective. For those fans of Andrew Loomis, this book is worth having, if for no other reason, as a collectible of the legacy of a great artist and illustrator. If you like this book, feel free to download from this link.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Persidangan PeKOMIK Mengimbau Nostalgia

Undangan SMS Azhar Abdullah (Presiden Persatuan Penggiat Komik Malaysia (PeKOMIK) & Kerengge untuk menghadiri PeKOMIK miniKON sempena Pesta Buku di PWTC pada Ahad (13 April 2008) lepas, telah mengimbau kembali nostalgia ketika aku masih aktif dalam dunia kartun sekitar lewat 80an hingga pertengahan 90an.

Sesi forum bersama kartunis veteran; (dari kiri) Jaafar Taib, Nora Abdullah dan Datuk Lat.

Reggie Lee (atas) dan Kerengge (bawah) berkongsi pengalaman mereka dalam salah satu acara.

Hadirin dari pelbagai kaum berkumpul menghadiri setiap sesi dengan penuh khusyuk.

Berjumpa kembali rakan-rakan kartunis seperti Datuk Lat, Zunar, Ambo, Kerengge, Tazidi, Roslim… menunjukkan dunia seni kartun adalah amat kecil. Pi mai pi mai, mesti jumpa rakan taulan seangkatan meski dah lama tak jumpa. Kalau tak silap, kali terakhir bersua dengan mereka ini sekitar akhir 90an. Wow! La ni dah 2008. Dah hampir seabad!

Dari kiri selain aku ialah Zunar, Sireh, Roslim, Ambo dan Kerengge.

Medan persidangan anjuran PeKOMIK ini telah aku jadikan tapak untuk melestarikan persahabatan yang kian renggang ekoran komitmen tugasan harian. Maklumlah, walaupun aku kini berkecimpung dalam bidang penerbitan, untuk kembali bersua mereka secara berasingan adalah satu perkara yang sukar dilakukan. Masing-masing sibuk dengan rutin kerja. Dengan perjumpaan seumpama inilah, maka kami berpeluang berinteraksi dan mengemaskini contact masing-masing.

Aku bersama rakan sekampung, Ambo.

Tazidi Yusof yang kukenali sekitar awal tahun 90an masa kat Gila-Gila dulu, kini dah bergelar Event Director kat MIRSB Services Sdn Bhd. Beliau juga selaku Presiden Pekartun menggantikan Tuan Haji Zainal Buang Hussian.

Antara kelibat mereka yang turut kelihatan pada hari tersebut ialah geng kartunis dari Gempak, Starz, KLP dan individu seperti Tan Eng Huat, Imuda, Gayo dan ramai lagi generasi baru yang hanya kukenali nama tapi bukan rupa mereka.

Sekalung tahniah buat PeKOMIK, khususnya Azhar Abdullah. You have done a great job, bro!

Sekitar pertengahan 90an, aku perlu ke Ipoh untuk berjumpa Datuk Lat atas urusan kerja, tapi tak ada 'jodoh' bertemu masa tu.

Key Ng, insan berjasa yang mengheret aku terjun ke bidang penerbitan pada sekitar akhir 80an. Masa tu aku masih menuntut di Malaysian Institute of Art (MIA) jurusan graphic design.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

RM100,000 cash every week with DiGi Prepaid’s Easy Win Contest

KUALA LUMPUR, 11 April 2008: DiGi Telecommunications Sdn Bhd (“DiGi”) makes it easy for its customers to win RM100,000 a week through DiGi Prepaid’s Easy Win Contest. More than RM1,200,000 worth of cash and free talktime is up for grabs for its prepaid customers over a period of 8 weeks.

DiGi Telecommunications Sdn Bhd’s Senior Marketing and Communications Consultant Nancy Tan said, “DiGi takes ‘easy’ to the next level with this contest where customers can win big effortlessly. This contest, for instance, will see 800 customers winning 1 year of free talktime and 8 more lucky customers winning RM100,000 in cash every week.”

“Customers only need to perform a reload of RM30 and above, which automatically makes them eligible to enter the contest,” she added.

There are two tiers to the contest:

1) Weekly prize of 1 year’s free talktime

· Every 2000th customer who reloads RM30 and above will be shortlisted every week.

· Upon receiving a call from DiGi, just answer 3 simple questions correctly in the fastest time to win free talktime to the value of RM50 every month for 12 months.

· There will be 100 winners every week.

2) Weekly grand prize of RM100,000

· All customers who reload RM50 and above will stand a chance to win the RM100,000 weekly grand prize.

· The winner will be selected through the process described below:

1) A number of which will represent the position of reload for the week will be pre-selected by a third party.

2) Then, the winner is determined when his/her position of reload matches the number, which was selected earlier.

3) He/she will then have to answer 1 question correctly.

· There will be eight winners of the RM100,000 over eight (8) weeks.

Winners will be announced on and press advertisements.

DiGi Prepaid will be running fear-themed roadshows at key shopping malls throughout the country over the contest make it easier for customers to reload. The roadshows offer skin crawling fun and games in support of its interesting campaign theme that one doesn’t need to go through tough, daring challenges to win RM100,000.

“DiGi is always looking for new and exciting ways to engage with our customers. For instance, last year DiGi gave away 50 cars in 50 days in celebration of Malaysia’s 50th birthday. It drew tremendous response,” added Tan.

The DiGi Prepaid’s Easy Win Contest ends 26th May 2008.

Friday, April 11, 2008

MUOI Ghost Portrait - Sebuah Cerita Seram Korea-Vietnam

Flem: MUOI Ghost Portrait
Tarikh mula tayangan: 24 April 2008
Negara: Korea Selatan
Pengarah: Tae-gyeong Kim
Dibintangi oleh: An Jo, Ye-ryeon Cha


Yoon-hee, seorang penulis novel begitu terdesak untuk mendapatkan idea bagi karya terbarunya dan dari situlah beliau kebetulan terdengar kisah yang diceritakan oleh Seo Yen, iaitu rakannya yang berasal dari Vietnam, kisah yang menarik minatnya tentang legenda potret Muoi. Dendam lama membuatkan Yoon-hee ragu-ragu untuk pergi ke Vietnam bagi bertemu dengan Seo-Yeon. Namun, terpegun dengan kisah potret tersebut seperti yang diceritakan oleh Seo-yeon berulang-ulang kali, Yoon-hee menuju ke Vietnam bagi membongkar legenda potret yang berusia hampir seabad lamanya iu. Yoon-hee tersentak dengan rupa Seo-Yeon yang agak berbeza, keayuannya memukau tidak seperti dahulu namun begitu ketibaannya tetap dialu-alukan oleh Seo-yeon. Dalam usahanya menyingkap misteri Muoi, Vietnam yang merupakan destinasi yang begitu eksotik telah bertukar menjadi pentas untuk mimpi ngeri yang nyata, dan rahsia tentang Muoi terkubur begitu sahaja seolah-olah tidak akan mampu dibongkar.

Tentang Filem

Seorang wanita muda bernama Yoon-hee di bawah tekanan kerana didesak-desak oleh penyunting novel beliau agar menghasilkan sesuatu yang baru dan menarik untuk novel terbarunya. Beliau langsung tidak menghasilkan sebarang buku untuk diterbitkan selama tiga tahun dan sememangnya beliau mengakuinya. Harapannya muncul apabila teman lamanya Seo-yeon menghubungi beliau melalui telefon dari Vietnam. Seo-yeon memberitahu Yoon-hee tentang kisah dongeng tempatan di Vietnam yang berkisar tentang seorang gadis bernama “Muoi” dan potretnya yang berhantu. Kebetulan, dalam novel terdahulu Yoon-hee, beliau ada menulis sebuah kisah semi-autobiografi tentang temannya itu bertajuk “Rahsia & Penipuan”. Dalam buku tersebut, Seo-yeon digambarkan sebagai seorang yang mempunyai sikap yang sangat buruk, namun Yoon-hee yakin yang Seo-yeon tidak mungkin membacanya kerana temannya itu telah bermastautin di Vietnam bertahun lamanya. Yoon-hee terbang ke Vietnam dengan begitu bersemangat bagi mendapatkan maklumat lanjut tentang Muoi.

Legenda menyebut bahawa seabad yang lalu, Muoi dilahirkan sebagai seorang kanak-kanak yang normal namun dibenci oleh orang kampung dan hidup tersisih, bersendirian. Beliau jatuh cinta dengan seorang pelukis bernama Nuen, namun Nuen telahpun memiliki tunang yang kaya-raya dan begitu cemburu dan kejam. Apabila tunangnya mendapat tahu tentang hubungan antara keduanya, beliau telah bertindak kejam dengan mematahkan kaki Muoi sementara wajahnya pula dicacatkan tanpa belas kasihan. Tidak lama kemudian, pada hari ke-15 dalam kalendar masyarakat Cina, Muoi membunuh diri dengan menggantungkan dirinya dan rohnya bergentayangan bagi membalas dendam. Sami-sami kampung akhirnya berjaya juga menangkap roh Muoi yang bersifat pendendam dan mengurungnya dalam potretnya sendiri. Sekarang, rohnya telah berjaya lolos dan terpulang kepada Yoon-hee untuk menghurai kebenaran di sebalik misteri tersebut sebelum sumpahan tersebut berbalik kepada dirinya sendiri dan memperjudikan nyawanya.

Filem ini sendiri merupakan usahasama antara produksi Korea-Vietnam dengan hampir keseluruhan penggambaran filem dilakukan di Vietnam. Visual filem ini begitu menarik dan kesan khasnya begitu mengagumkan. Aspek filem yang mengejutkan adalah prestasi lakonan bintang utamanya yang begitu berkesan. An Jo melakukan watak utamanya iaitu Yoon-Hee. Kali terakhir beliau muncul dalam filem komedi yang berkisar tentang rentasan masa iaitu “Project Makeover”. Kali ini beliau berjaya keluar daripada watak stereotaip gadis remaja yang disukai ramai dan memainkan wataknya dengan berkesan – bila diminta mengilai seperti pontianak belaiu tanpa rasa malu melakukannya, dan ia memang semulajadi. Watak lawannya iaitu Ye-ryeon Cha, kali terakhir muncul dalam filem “A Bloody Aria”, kali ini memainkan watak yang agak kaku lalu lakonannya tidak begitu dinamik, namun begitu beliau tetap mampu memberikan elemen misteri untuk watak yang dilakukannya.

MUOI Ghost Portrait merupakan kisah menarik bertitik-tolak dari legenda Muoi, serta rangkaian kejadian misteri di sepanjang filem. Lakonan berkesan An Jo menghasilkan filem seram yang mengujakan sama seperti tagline nya “Kematian merupakan permulaan bagi sumpahan”.

Reaksi penonton Vietnam

Muoi Ghost Portrait dianggap sebagai filem seram pertama Vietnam kerana pihak berkuasa ragu-ragu untuk memberi keizinan bagi menghasilkan filem-filem dengan tema tahyul.

Selepas dikaji, ia mendapat bantahan dari pihak Biro Perfileman Vietnam kerana kandungan filem yang dianggap tidak sesuai, dan menyebabkan kelewatan untuk tayangan di Vietnam. Ini menyebabkan filem Muoi Ghost Portrait jatuh kekedudukan kedua dengan filem Ngoi Nha Ma Am / Suoi Oan Hon (Haunted House/Ghosted Stream) di mana ia mula ditayangkan sekitar Ogos telah berjaya memintas dan mendapat jolokan filem seram pertama Vietnam.

Akhirnya, filem tersebut ditayangkan pada 24 Disember 2007 sebagai filem pertama dalam sejarah perfileman Vietnam mendapat klasifikasi: ‘untuk tontonan umum kecuali bawah 16 tahun’. Bukan sekadar sekatan umur, beberapa babak dalam Muoi juga terpaksa dipotong di bawah arahan biro yang mana telah menjejaskan keaslian filem tersebut.


Di Golden Kite Awards (bersamaan Anugerah Oscar versi Vietnam) ke-7 tahun 2008, Phuoc Sang Films memilih untuk menghantar filem Muoi Ghost Portrait untuk dipertandingkan namun mencetuskan kontroversi kerana ia bukan seratus-peratus filem asli Vietnam (hampir keseluruhan filem merupakan produksi Korea). Walaubagaimanapun, filem ini tetap berjaya menggondol anugerah Sinematografi dan Bunyian Terbaik.

Fakta menarik

"Muoi" bermaksud nombor 10 dalam Bahasa Vietnam. Namanya merupakan indikasi bahawa beliau merupakan anak kesepuluh dalam keluarga. Gelaran sebegini popular di kawasan pedalaman Vietnam Utara.

95% produksi filem dilakukan di Vietnam. Walaubagaimanapun, tiada zon yang tepat disebut dalam filem tersebut; kerana ia merangkumi pelbagai kawasan iaitu Da Lat, Da Nang, My Son, Hoi An dan Bandaraya Ho Chi Minh.

Rancangan Esok

Semalam yang sepatutnya aku menghadiri beberapa acara, tetapi tidak dapat menghadiri kerana masalah kesihatan. Badan rasa tak selesa. Sakit semacam. Sebenarnya sejak Ahad lagi aku kurang bertenaga, tapi aku kuatkan semangat sehinggalah semalam, yang betul-betul terpaksa aku akur dengan badan yang semakin 'session' ni. Kalau tak, mesti hari ni lebih teruk lagi!

Semalam aku betul-betul berehat di rumah. Makan ubat. Minum banyak-banyak dan tidur cukup-cukup. Mujur hari ni dah boleh pergi kerja. Malah habis kerja, siap boleh ke Pesta Buku lagi. Aku sempat juga rembat beberapa majalah dari DBP, Berita Publishing dan Utasan Karya.

Bagaimana pula dengan hal-ehwal keesokan (Jumaat) harinya?

Berkemungkinan besar aku akan ke acara anjuran Hotlink di ofis mereka jam 2:30ptg dan Digi di 1U jam 3:00ptg. Tapi agak mustahil untuk pergi kedua-dua acara jika jarak lokasinya begitu jauh sekali. Emmmm... tengoklah. Kita manusia hanya sekadar merancang.....

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

What's Up on 9th April?

I just received info on tomorrow's events at 10:30am on Maxis at their office (Menara Maxis, KL), 12:45pm on Nissan Latio at their PJ Branch (Edaran Tan Chong Motor, Jln Kemajuan 12/18, PJ), and lastly at 5 to 7pm on Electrolux at Trader Hotel, KL (opposite KLCC).

Panasonic LUMIX FS5 dengan Teknologi iA

Jenama Panasonic yang lebih sinonim sebagai pengeluar peralatan elektrik konsumer di kalangan khalayak umum, kini mengorak langkah berani mempertaruhkan rangkaian kamera digital siri LUMIX. Salah satu produk kamera digital yang dilengkapi ciri-ciri istimewa dengan harga yang berpatutan (RM1,099) ialah model DMC-FS5.

Apa yang istimewanya kamera digital model FS5 yang terbaru ini selain daripada saiznya berukuran 94.9 x 53.4 x 22.5 milimeter yang sesungguhnya kompak, stylish dan mesra pengguna, ia juga menampilkan resolusi imej 10.1 megapixel yang dipadankan dengan lensa lebar bersaiz 30mm berjenama Leica DC (jenama lensa terkemuka dunia), 4x optical zoom dan skrin LCD berukuran 2.5 inci.

Kamera digital yang comel dan menarik ini diperhebatkan dengan keunikan penampilan fungsi mode Intelligent Auto (iA) yang bukan sekadar fungsi automatik semata-mata. Ini kerana dengan sokongan mode iA, penggunanya pasti akan berpuas hati dengan lima ciri baru seperti; fungsi-fungsi Mega O.I.S., Intelligent ISO Control, Intelligent Scene Selector, Face Detection dan Quick AF.

Teknologi iA tersebut menawarkan keistimewaan berikut:

1) Mega O.I.S. ditampilkan bagi mengatasi kesan gegaran tangan ketika merakamkan gambar.

2) Intelligent ISO Control ialah pengesan pergerakan bagi mengurangkan kekaburan imej.

3) Intelligent Scene Selector merupakan pengesan mode penggambaran yang kerap digunakan secara automatik seperti mode Portrait, Scenery, Macro, Night Portrait dan Night Scenery.

4) Sistem Face Detection ialah sistem pengesan wajah manusia agar gambar yang dirakam pada kedudukan dalam fokus secara automatik.

5) Sistem Quick AF merupakan pengesan cahaya yang membolehkan kamera fokus pada objek walau tanpa menekan secara perlahan butang shutter. Sistem ini memboleh rakaman gambar yang jelas dan menarik pada setiap masa.

Bila kamera berada dalam mode iA, ia membolehkan rakaman secara automatik dengan menghasilkan rakaman paling menarik walau bagi pengguna amatur sekalipun. Ia dapat menghindari pengguna daripada terlepas saat rakaman penting tanpa perlu risau tentang perubahan keadaan ketika rakaman dilakukan.

Menariknya lagi, kamera digital model FS5 turut menawarkan pemproses imej LSI berkelajuan tinggi generasi keempat dengan sokongan penggunaan Venus Engine IV. Digabungkan bersama fungsi Easy Zoom yang memboleh rakaman zoom dengan pantas melalui satu tekanan butang yang mudah. Mode Slideshow juga diselitkan dengan efek muzik latar ketika menonton rakaman yang telah dirakamkan. Kamera yang menggunakan kad memori storan SD dengan memori dalaman kira-kira 50MB ini didatangkan dalam tiga pilihan warna iaitu silver, hitam dan merah.

Saya diberi peluang ‘test-drive’ model ini di Pulau Langkawi baru-baru ini amat teruja dengan prestasi dan kehebatan model yang comel-lote ini dengan keupayaan yang setanding rakaman kamera profesional. Sesungguhnya pelbagai rakaman indah dirakamkan menggunakan teknologi iA dan lain-lain mode tatkala ekspidisi ke pulau legenda tersebut.

Maklumat lanjut untuk model-model terbaru siri LUMIX boleh juga diperolehi melalui laman sesawang

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Mini Race at 1U by Nokia

I took part in the mini "Nokia N82 Soul of the Night" race in 1 Utama (1U) Shopping Centre after the launch of "The Discover the Soul of the Night" campaign presented by Nokia today. With a team of 5 (from left Victor Stephen, A. Jospeh, Vincent Chung, me and Simon Chow), we were given 30 minutes to complete all four tasks. In oder to complete the task, we have to go to the identified place and snap a picture of the storefront in 1U by using N82. Then we must upload the picture to Flickr with preset account (we got Angelica - a young-pretty game marshal to assist us).

Task 1: "I've got to get a gift for my neighbour's kid. He's 8 and loves toys. Where'd you buy that gift?"

Our Answer: Toy City

Task 2: "Friends are coming down for the holidays. The love singing. Where should i take them?"

Our Answer: Jukebox

Task 3: "1'm told i can get some petty breath-taking panoramic views of KL from One Utama, where should i go?"

Our Answer: bird-eye view from roof top floor of 1U

Task 4: "Ah... now it's time to go grab some dinner. Problem is my hubby's a vegetarian. Where can i eat?"

Our Answer: Yisheshu

For more information on the Nokia N82 Wireless Adventure 2: Discover the Soul of the Night (SOTN), click here.

What's Up Today?

One of my agenda is to attend the above event (Nokia NSeries - the Wireless Adventure II) at 3:00pm today at High Street, One Utama (New Wing), Bandar Utama, PJ.

Meanwhile, looking forward to go to Kuala Lumpur International Book Fair (KLIBF).

Opening Hours

Date: 4th - 13th April 2008
Mon - Thurs: 10.00AM to 7.00PM
Fri - Sun & Public holidays: 10.00AM to 9.00PM
Venue: Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Friday, April 4, 2008

Tight Schedule

My schedule is a bit tight tomorrow (Friday) cuz need to attend to office matter. Hence, i need to forgo two interesting events, namely:

1. Opening ceremony of Malaysia's largest career fair at Bintang Ballroom, Cititel Mid Valley, KL at 9.30am.

2. BMW Malaysia unveils the new MINI at BMW Regional Training Centre, 3501, Jln Teknorat 5, Cyberjaya at 10:00am.

Canon Launches 8 New Digital Camera Models

Kuala Lumpur, 3 April 2008 – Canon Marketing (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd strengthened its lead in the image capture industry with the unveiling of 8 new digital cameras. The product line-up which addresses the needs of both casual and serious photography enthusiasts feature the very latest in imaging technology developed by Canon. The launch held today featured seven compact digital cameras and one EOS Digital SLR model.

The new range of digital cameras launched by Canon follows the company’s principle to delight its customer. Each new product features the latest technology in image capture The models launched today comprise four new IXUS models, three PowerShot A series cameras from the lifestyle compact range and one EOS DSLR for the serious photographer.

Last year (2007), Canon Marketing (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd recorded a 10per cent growth in both digital camera & digital SLR market segments, cementing its position as a leading brand in Malaysia. With the launch of these NEW models, the company expects a 25 per cent sales growth in its total digital camera and digital SRL sales.

Mr. Calvyn Laang (above), Assistant Director of Consumer Imaging and Information Division, Canon Marketing Malaysia Sdn Bhd said,

“With our new range of cameras, we aim to maintain our lead in the digital camera market segment. Our new range of products are vastly improved with new technologies that make them easier to use and the larger benefit to our consumers is that these products are competitively priced.”

“At Canon, we aim for product quality that gives our customers a sense of trust and satisfaction. To meet our aims, we continuously utilize the latest technology to deliver exceptional, high-quality products and prompt services based on careful assessments of our customer needs. Thus, today’s launch sees a number of image capture equipments that meets the various layers of photography skills and lifestyle”.

The new range of digital cameras launched today feature Canon’s proprietary DIGIC III image processing technology with new and improved features such as advanced Face Detection. The Face Detection AF intelligently focuses on faces in the frame. The Face Detection AF intelligently focuses on faces in the frame, with a new "Face Select & Track" function that tracks and follows selected subjects when they move - the system detects as many as 35 faces within the frame.

Along with the DIGIC III processor, the new range of Canon compact camera are also equipped with Canon’s Optical Image Stabilization (OIS) feature. The OIS feature significantly reduces image-blurring effects of camera shake by shifting the lens to counteract the motion, assuring users the best possible picture quality every time.

"In line with our corporate slogan “Delighting you Always”, our new range of digital cameras are created for people who appreciate the vast technological advances in digital still imaging. With our new range of cameras, we are able to delight our customers who range from the style conscious person who is looking for a stylish compact camera to the serious professional who is looking for the latest in digital imaging. Basically, there is something for everyone,” Mr Laang added further.

IXUS 80IS, 85IS, 90IS and 970IS
Long regarded as the style icon, Canon’s IXUS is always an embodiment of technology and style. The IXUS is now updated with four new additions, the IXUS 80IS, 85IS, 90IS and 970IS. The entry level IXUS 80 IS features a compact curved design for the first time and will be available in five attractive colour variations (Classic Silver, Candy Pink, Chocolate (Brown), Caramel, Blue) with 8.0 Megapixels, 3x zoom with optical Image Stabilizer and 2.5” high resolution LCD with PureColor II Technology.

The flagship Digital IXUS 970 IS, powerful Digital IXUS 85 IS and trendy Digital IXUS 90 IS cameras come equipped with OIS (Optical Image Stabilizer) and DIGIC III imaging processor that powers Canon’s Face Detection Technology and Red-Eye Correction for superb people shots, along with faster processing and advanced Noise Reduction.

All new IXUS models, feature technologies such as Motion Detection Technology, Optical Image Stabilisation, Genuine Canon Face Select & Track Technology, and Canon’s proprietary DIGIC III imaging processor, designed to deliver ultra-impressive image quality, while making the entire photography experience fun, exciting, and creatively rewarding.

Powershot A580, A590IS and A470
The new PowerShot digital cameras all incorporate Canon's latest image processor - DIGIC III - for improved lens performance and image quality in highly compact form factors. Combined with high-resolution CCD sensors (7.1-megapixel for the PowerShot A470 and 8.0-megapixel for the PowerShot A590 IS and A580), the cameras allow for detailed image enlargements greater than A3 size to be printed. DIGIC III technology also supports new and improved features such as advanced Face Detection. The Face Detection AF intelligently focuses on faces in the frame, with a new "Face Select & Track" function that tracks and follows selected subjects when they move - the system detects as many as 35 faces within the frame.

EOS 450D Digital SLR
For the seasoned amateur and professional photographer, Canon welcomes the EOS 450D to the Digital SLR family. The new EOS brings staggering technological innovation to the photography masses with a range of significant improvements; It features Canon's EOS Integrated Cleaning System, Live View Function with AF modes, and a powerful DIGIC III Image Processor that enhances image quality and speeds up all camera operations for intuitive operation.

The new 12.2-megapixel CMOS APS-C size sensor captures images with exceptional clarity and tonal range, offers the most pixels in its class. It offers many of the same new technologies to maximize each pixel’s light gathering efficiency that were first seen with the professional EOS 1Ds Mark III.

The EOS 450D is equipped with 14-bit analog to digital signal converter, a feature formerly only present in top of the range pro DSLR cameras. The rich 14-bit conversion offers RAW images of the highest quality that can be processed with Canon’s Digital Photo Professional software. Even JPEG files also use the full 14-bit conversion initially to generate the best possible colour and tonal detail.

This new EOS 450D is available in a kit with the new EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS lens with Optical Image Stabilizer. The EOS 450D refined, ergonomic design includes a new 3.0-inch LCD monitor, compatibility with SD and SDHC Memory cards and new accessories that enhance every aspect of the photographic experience.

Canon Marketing (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd has continuously strived to provide products that feature the latest technological innovations for the benefit of its consumers. Throughout its 21 year history in Malaysia, Canon has taken the leading position in the digital imaging industry through its technological advances and ability to introduce a wide range of digital camera targeted at various layers of consumer segments.

RRP (IXUS 80IS, 85IS, 90IS and 970IS)
IXUS 80IS = RM999.00
IXUS 85IS = RM1,199.00
IXUS 90IS = RM1,349.00
IXUS 970IS = RM1,499.00

RRP (Powershot A580, A590IS and A470)
Powershot A580 = RM799.00
Powershot A590IS = RM899.00
Powershot A470 = RM499.00

RRP (EOS 450D Digital SLR)
EOS 450D (18-55mm IS) = RM3,349.00
EOS 450D (body) = RM2,999.00

Mobile and Wireless Group Launches the Atom V

Kuala Lumpur, 2 April 2008 – Mobile and Wireless Group (MWg) today announced the availability of the Atom V. The handset with inbuilt GPS, exclusively designed for MWg, will be available at authorised retailers in Malaysia in the first week of April 2008.

MWg’s Atom V is the ideal partner for navigating the city streets. The Atom V’s inbuilt SiRF Star-III GPS chipset is every urban explorer’s trusty companion, ensuring that users always find their way to their next destination.

With Atom V’s host of connectivity options, users are always only a call or email away, no matter how far away from home. The high speed 3.5G HSDPA and onboard Wi-Fi lets users stay connected, available and ready anytime, anywhere.

The handset features a slim profile of 14.95mm and is bathed in a midnight blue hue. The exclusive design features a 2.8” LCD screen that extends throughout the front face of the device. This touch screen surface combined with the scroll wheel and four buttons strike a perfect balance of form and function.

When it comes to speed, the Atom V features an Intel processor running Microsoft® Windows Mobile 6 Professional® at a zippy 520 Mhz. The speedy CPU provides a responsive and intuitive user experience without being a drain on power resources. This ensures up to 3.5 hours talk time, or 150 hours standby time, depending on usage.

Rounding off MWg’s maiden product is a host of features such as a 2.0 mega-pixel camera with auto focus and FM radio with RDS (Radio Data System) that provides data on the station, the current track on air from a station and even traffic alerts.

“We see ourselves in a unique position of having inherited the premium heritage of a global brand and the agility and flexibility of a start-up.” said Mark Billington, CEO of MWg.

“As a start-up, we naturally work with like-minded and innovative partners to offer an engaging experience for our customers. Our devices are designed to complement the consumers’ lifestyle needs.”

MWg is a Singapore-based start-up, formed by the former management of O2 Asia, which develops and markets premium converged devices for a global market. Since its formation in November 2007, the company consolidated its presence in Asia with offices in Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand, and the Middle East, it has also expanded into UK and USA. Through an investment by London-listed online retailer eXpansys, MWg will also expand its retail channels to cover the online demand for its products.

Atom V is the first product to be launched in Asia under MWg and the third product to be launched in the US and the EU (after Atom Life and Ubiquio 503g). A further three to six products are planned in 2008 including the Zinc II to be launched in Q2.

The Atom V will retail at RM2,368 inclusive of a 12 month local warranty.

Panasonic Aims to Sell More TVs with Viera

There were two events i attended yesterday (2nd April), namely launching of Panasonic Viera plasma TV and MWg PDA. This is one of the events, which the news i abstracted from The Star - Starbiz (page B6, Thurs, 3 April).

From left: Tony Endoh, Panasonic AVC Japan group manager of visual display business group Ken Shimizu, Panasonic AVC Japan group manager of AVC product Mark Kobayashi and Panasonic Malaysia Sdn Bhd assistant general manager of digital audio visual products Liew Choon Wah at the Viera TV models launch.

PETALING JAYA: Panasonic Malaysia Sdn Bhd has launched 11 new models of Viera plasma and LCD televisions and is targeting to sell more than 40,000 large-screen TV sets by year-end.

Managing director Tony Endoh said the demand for flat-panel TVs was rising fast, while those measuring 37 inches and above would make up more than 50% of total current TV sales.

“We target 30% domestic market share in this category (37-inch or more flat-panel TVs),” he told reporters after the launch of the Viera models yesterday.

The new models included the TH-42PV8H and TH-42PV80H, priced at RM4,899 and RM5,199 respectively, while LCD model TX-37LX80MK was tagged at RM3,999. The prices of other models will be released later.

Endoh said its TV sales division, which sold 30,000 units, contributed 8% to the group’s revenue for the financial year ended March 31, 2008 (FY08).

The division accounted for 35% of the group’s audio-visual division turnover, he added.

On the outlook for the electrical and electronic market, he said price competition would pose a challenge this year when more products were introduced to the market.

However, the market was still positive despite the current global slowdown as well as the escalating oil prices and current political situation, he added.

According to Endoh, the demand for TVs in FY08 totalled 168,000 units. Currently, Panasonic’s local market share for plasma and LCD TV is about 46.8% and 20% respectively.

Panasonic would invest RM54mil in advertising and RM170mil for promotion in FY09, he said, adding that RM10mil would be spent to promote Viera TV.

Meanwhile, the group, which recorded turnover of RM1.46bil in FY08, was targeting sales of RM1.55bil in FY09, he said.

Panasonic has about 700 outlets in Malaysia.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

What’s up on 2nd April 2008?

1. The FIABCI Malaysia morning talk "The Impact of General Election on Real Estate Industy" by Datuk Dr Michael Yeoh, CEO/Co-founder of ASLI at Dewan Berjaya, Bukit Kiara Equestrian & Country Resort, KL at 8am.

2. Panasonic launches the 2008 line-up of Viera flat panel televisions at Sunway Pyramid Shopping Mall & Sunway Convention Centre, Selangor at 9am.

3. MMC-Gamuda Electrified Double Tracking Project briefing and site visit at No 16, Jln Maju 3, Pusat Perniagaan Maju, Jln Megat Harun, Bukit Mertajam, Penang at 9.30am.

4. KFC Malaysia celebrates 35th anniversary at KFC Kota Damansara, Jln Cecawi 6/18, Seksyen 16, Kota Damansara, PJ, Selangor at 10am.

5. The Mobile & Wireless Group or MWg (formerly O2 Asia) unveiling the new Atom V and sharing with media a host of new products and the company’s plan in Malaysia and across the region at Isthmus Kuala Lumpur, Ground Floor, Northpoint, Mid Valley at 3 to 5pm.